

Monday, October 23, 2017

Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the Music!

I am a devotee of many holy things.  I am a surprised Christian.  I am also a bit of a Buddhist. I am a humanist. An  animist.  I might be a druid.  I worship art and makers of art in all its forms. I celebrate all these and more.  I celebrate my waking and my sleeping and the moments in between.

I am  a Celebrationist.

My conversion happened like this:  our blended family had gathered and one of the step-people-in-law said to me, "Lisa, you are Just a Party Girl."  (She was being a bit snarky. I enjoy drinks and party food and people and happiness and I look for occasions to swirl those all together.  So yes, she was her view.)

 I sassed her, "No, I am a devout Celebrationist."

As soon as I said it I knew it was the truth at the core of me.  :)  I prefer to live my life in Celebration. Once I named it I began to examine and ponder this term and how it applied to me and to my life.  As I did it became the intention in my moments and became more and more true as a natural result.

If I had a personal flag it would be a smiley face on a sky-blue field.

Yes, I like to make a party.  I would and could do it every day.  "It IS Friday!  It IS the weekend! The weather IS turning cooler!  The sun IS shining!"  There is always something to celebrate when I bend my attention to that perspective.

No, my life is not painless.  I have had sorrows and my portion of tribulation. Sometimes I let myself sink into them for a time. In recent days we have experienced pain and tribulation globally the likes of which many of us find incomprehensible. But that is not all we are.

I do delve into matters of the spirit.  I study all I can with the goal of ascension, not just for myself but for the ways I can help move the world in that direction.  I avoid the titillations of mainstream media and I pray for "The World" to get a grip on itself and turn some of the energy expended on titillation to better, more worthy things.

For a start by offering Love and Compassion to those around us.  By focusing on Joy and Celebration of everything that is RIGHT with our beautiful blue planet and it's amazing and diverse inhabitants.

There are probably some "serious" minded folks who consider me flaky and vacuous.  'K....But my background music is not a dirge! My favorite music is made of many heartbeats, clapping hands, laughter.  It is easy to sing along to and made for dancing!

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.
    Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

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